This Week Kids I Promise
Its that time of the week again where i have to put my thinking cap on and make a promise to one or all of my children.
Last week I promised to get into the Christmas spirit with the I guess I didn't do bad,we spent a lot of time singing We Wish You A Merry Christmas and Jingle Bells and we had a lovely trip to the shops to buy Advent Calenders.
So the Christmas spirit is slowly but surely drifting into our home.
This week my promise is;
To Practice Your Spellings Every Night
Now my son and I have a ongoing hatred of spellings,so this is a biggie for us!
It takes quite a considerable amount of work for Chipmunk to retain spellings.
I do everything possible to help him,practice a lot,laminate the actual words onto a matching board,cutting round the actual shape of the letters so he feels the letters as well as hears,sees and writes the words.
Infact I guess you couldn't do much more and still our results are poor :-/
Well last week we had a school project to hand in and so we didn't practice the spellings so much and I know today he will struggle and that makes me sad.
I don't necessarily want a fantastic speller but I don't want to send him into a spelling test feeling unprepared.
Lets cross our fingers and hope this works because even I'm getting despondent with the situation.
Cant wait to see what everybodys promising this week!
We are a little bunch of do gooders aren't we :-)