Saturday, August 18, 2012

Two Minute Memories

The Jeans

Yesterday we went to my friends wedding reception and for the first time ever I found a pair of jeans that fitted Chipmunk perfectly!

It was lovely to see him in jeans but I didn't expect for it to have such a effect on him.

He was just SO proud of them and strutted around in them,hands straight in the pockets!

Here he is at the bar,you can just see the jeans if you look carefully.

And the real point of this post happened this morning.

Chipmunk always brings a selection of his favourite things down each morning,all his bestest cuddlies and sometimes his book of the moment.

Well today as he tootled downstairs I could see Sharky start to grin

"Wait till you see this" he said

And at that point I kind of knew what I was going to see

Chipmunk walked in the lounge,threw his cuddlies onto the settee one by one and then held his jeans up.They had joined the realms of the favourite things truly special

It made me smile!

And he wore them all day long,I have the feeling they will need to be forcibly removed when it's wash time!

The Jeans
Day out in the jeans

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