Monday, March 25, 2013

The Bun Fight
So on the occasion of Chips ninth birthday we had a family bun fight!

It was a snowy day!Snow in March!

I've known Chips birthday sunny,windy,on mothers day but never ever would I have thought it would snow on Chipsies birthday!

Therefore he toddled off to school in his civvies...jeans,LFC shirt and a big chunky hoodie,school said warmth was more important than uniform during weather like this and so his two birthday badges were pinned on his fleecy hoodie instead of his school sweatshirt.

I packed him the almost obligatory bags of sweets for his classmates and a pack of choccie biscuits for the teachers.

And when I picked him up from school later that day it was blowing a right old blizzard...luckily everyone was able to make his family tea party and he was surrounded by family and friends and the atmosphere was pretty much perfect.

The day had a calm feel to it,which I found really appealing.

Everything just gelled together...yes it was a bit birthday chaotic but not to the point of frenziedness and Chippie had a happy day and that is what my aim was.

I also wanted to people watch and to see my family celebrate this young ones special day,so I tried very hard to keep my eyes open and catch moments to treasure.

One such moment was when I saw Tiger help his nanna put her coat on...the care he showed towards her and his gentleness truly melted my heart,I was more than proud of him.

I heard a lot of chatter all around the house and when I looked around there were lots of smiley faces and laughter and it seemed a cosy comfy atmosphere.

The food went down well and although I thought that there may not be enough,that wasn't the case and we have been picking at it ever since!Yep a quick wander into the kitchen these days always results in a handful of something being scoffed and this results in a really lapsidaisical approach to meal times...not so good but understandable!

It was so nice to see people that we haven't caught up with for a while,have a chatter and a natter and find out what has been going on in their little corner of the world.

I loved seeing my older two mixing with people coz they did it do well and with ease.I love how they are turning to mix and socialise happily,with big grins on their faces,they are such good big brothers to Chips.

The hammies provided a source of entertainment!They were taken out and passed around and luckily they behaved nips! 

It took Chips over a hour and a half to open his pressies,he examined them carefully and someone had been rather heavy handed with the Sellotape!

After everyone had gone home I sat on the settee with Chippie,he was still playing X Box and we snuggled up until he asked to go to bed,which was about ten o clock...virtually as soon as his head touched the pillow he was asleep....all birthdayed out!

It was a good day......


  1. Glad we don't have snow here; bad enough that it's still cold out when it's supposed to be getting to spring!

    Also, I wanted to let you know that I've nominated you for a Liebster award; details are on my blog today.

    1. Hiya Cherie,thanks very much for nominating me for a award,Im dead chuffed about it!Ta muchly x
