Thursday, January 17, 2013

Splashy Smiles
Ages since I did Splashy Smiles but there are some ickle teeny tiny things that have made me smile big style this week so it's time to write them down.
In no particular order....

Chipmunks face as he played on Mathletics this morning,every time he got a sum right he smiled,such a proud little smile,as I sat watching him I smiled too and it gave him lots more time on the laptop... win win really...he gets maths practice and I catch smiles and I like to catch smiles.

I have SO smiled at Chippie and his Tudor project and the term 'Bloody Mary'... to say its caught his imagination would be a BIG understatement and although I don't really want him running round yelling Bloody Mary at the top of his voice,there is no getting away from the fact that it has made me smile lots and lots. Obviously I must be a very inappropriate parent...oops!

Watching Tiger go out today in just a tee shirt made me laugh.Ah the beauty of youth!They don't care about feeling cold,they care about looking good.
Maybe all the outdoor work he does is toughening him up,all I know is that he walked through the lounge without shivering in just his t-shirt while we were sat in vests,t-shirts,jumpers,hoodies and holding hot water bottles and warm beddy bears,our heating is broke and it is cold here,5days without heat kinda cold,and off he strolled into the freezing dark night,no coat,no body warmer,just bare arms,brrrr,it did make me smile tho,we breed em tough in this house! 

I have smiled at the kindness of my friend who has loaned us beddy bear,a blue bear that goes in the microwave until he feels toastie,it has really helped Chipmunk cope with the Siberian conditions here.He likes the warmth of Beddy Bear and the fact that it is his best mates makes it even more special.

Watching Tiger and his girlfriend go out last night made me smile,they looked so glam,off out on a Friday night after working hard all week,I love to see them go and enjoy themselves,it really makes me smile! 

Seeing my workmates has made me smile.I know I didn't want to go back to work after Chrimbo but it has been great to catch up with my work friends,even though we have been run off our feet busy we have laughed and laughed too and seeing all the nursery children has been lovely too,lots of new faces to get to know and children who we have had for a king time to say hello to,it really has made me smile,Iam really lucky to have such a good job and to be able to work with such fab children and I really do appreciate it.

So lots of things that have brought a smile to my face this week.


  1. We have a blue beddy bear too and they are great even when the heating is working! Hpe you get it fixed soon xxx

  2. Hey you have a Beddy Bear too!We are loving having our heating back and guess what...we are STILL using the Beddy Bear :-)
