Saturday, January 26, 2013

Six Word Saturday
Are Memories Stored In Your Heart 

Or Do You Need Tangible Reminders

This is a biggie for me because for most of my life I have needed 'tangible' evidence of my precious memories.
Call it sentimental but I must be the worlds worst collector of itty bitty items that I can place a meaning too.

Children's drawings,photos,birthday cards and I can see why i want to keep some of those but perhaps not all of those,which I tend to do!

 You see when I have a real item I front of me I can actually touch it,it seems to zing the memories right back to me.

Items of clothing from the boys,little hats,shoes,bibs,bottles,beakers even dummies ...I look and think 'awww' and marvel at how tiny they were and how much I loved them.

Memorabilia such as their paintings,drawings,little clay dishes they made,sticks and stones they gave me,anything to be honest!

 And then it gets more suspect,as I seem to have a uncanny knack for placing a memory to anything and if someone who I consider special gives it too me the item becomes keepable.

Point many keepable items can one person have before their house and space turns into a cluttered jumbled mess

Point two...why do I place a memory on these items

And those are the reasons for my six words

Can memories be truly stored in the heart or is sometimes a real touchable tangible item a legitimate thing to want?

What do you guys think?I would be really grateful to hear other people's points of view

Linking up with Cate who hosts the fab Six Word Saturday over at her blog Show My Face
Pop over and read some of the entries they are a great bunch of people.


  1. Stuff is just stuff, J. You'd still have those memories if (god forbid) a tsunami or fire, tornado, etc blew all that stuff away, right?

    Not that having tangible re-minders is a bad thing, but...stuff is just stuff. Divest yourself.

    1. Thanks :-) I need to hear that!!!!You know sometimes I think that to myself,about the fire etc your words make sense.I know I have WAY too much stuff,we can't move!!!Something has to give and I don't want it to be me!

  2. Why not both? As long as the clutter is not taking over your life, there's no harm in it.

    1. I think I'm beginning to accept that the clutter maybe taking over!Theres not a space for owt!Every drawer,cupboard is chocca,think I'm running thro stuff in my head and Im deep down knowing I have to stop this and clear some space.Its been a long build up but I think I need to sort and stop attaching memories to things!

  3. I love to go through the "memory box" now and then, but most of it's inside. Just needs a little prompting sometimes.

    1. Hello Jo,think my memory box needs a slight erm a BIG tweaking!!! It's bigger than Iam!!! And that can't be good! x

  4. Things are reminders. The heart remembers.

    1. Ann,I just love these words!!!! I must KEEP them :-) xxx

  5. I am not a stuff person myself but my wife is a pack rat. I guess a lot of the need for tactile connection comes from personality.

    1. Wayne you have perhaps hit the nail on the head!Iam such a tactile person and I do like to touch and hold things!This makes sense to me.Thinks this through....

  6. I could have written this post. I attach meaning to so many things. I do think that memories are stored in the heart, but I like tangible reminders of them, too.

    1. Afternoon Dana, so you are one of my kind then :-) I hope you are in more control than I seem to be! I NEED to sort,in all areas of my life xxx

  7. I think I need a bit of both...the stuff usually brings about things I have long "forgotten" about some wonderful memories.

    1. Hello Amanda,I guess the key word here is a 'bit' of both!Think I have let things take over slightly!Im a heart led person and a deep thinker and I can find meaning in 'anything'
      At least now I know what I'm doing I may be able to control it!Watch this space! x

  8. I have stuff too! In fact I found my son's coming home from hospital outfit in the cedar chest. Hopefully it will be worn by his son when he is born this April.

  9. I think this is where memory keeping/scrapbooking comes in. Take pictures of the things that mean something to you and put it in a place that you can go to anytime you want to reminisce. Then maybe donate the clothing so another mom can cherish it as well. Now take this with a grain of salt as I still have my son's Boy Scout Vest hanging in my closet and he is 23... Good luck with whatever you decide to do.

  10. I think that it is a bit of both... you need to trim down the keepsakes...because after all they are still going to create more.
    I have graduation gowns from all three of my kids' kindergarten ceremonies and boxes and boxes of their work and notes.
    And now... they are having children of their own!

  11. I don't have many childhood keepsakes...but I do have a gazillion memories of my wonderful up-bringing stored in my heart. I think they remain with us always, regardless of what we keep as reminders.

  12. This entry resonates with me. I still like to get out the little suit that both of my children wore home from the hospital. It said "One potato, two potato, three potato, four." all over it. I used to hold it up and marvel at their smallness. I got control of the urge to save everything by limiting the space in which I can keep the keepsakes. When my memory box is so full I can't shut the lid, I sit down to thini it out. :)

  13. I think memories are stored in our hearts - the ones we really need to remember or want to remember. Dropping by from 6WS.

  14. Memories are all you have to keep you warm when old age approaches- the rest is just stuff!!

  15. I love to collect keepsakes. Alas, over the years, I've started to forget the significance of some of them.

    So now I rely just as much on diaries, letters, and scrapbooks. Of course, even those are starting to become rather numerous.

    Maybe it's about balance. Keepsakes and written documents are good. So are the memories themselves. All together they weave a story of our past.

  16. I believe it's both. I'm *just* like you in that I need and have an easier time recalling memories if I have a tangible item to help me remember. However, I also agree that if, Heaven forbid, a disaster should happen, I would be devastated but I would still be able to recall those memories. Certain smells, sights and songs also help me to remember so I would have those to assist me if I should lose my tangible reminders.

    So, yeah, my wordy reply is that I believe both statements are true.

    Great 6WS! Happy 6WS! :-)
