Saturday, February 23, 2013

My six words to describe this week are...
Daydreaming Is Good For The Soul

Yep its been a week of daydreaming my life away and its been good!

Cate at Show My Face kindly holds this linky - pop over and read some more 6Ws,a more friendly bunch of people you'll never find :-)


  1. Yes it is...I must say, they are not as elusive as night dreams.

    1. Hiya Ann :-) yes daydreams can be made too order whilst nightdress can take us any place they want too!

  2. Ann has a great point, but I might never get anything done, ever again, Jess.

    1. The thing is Jo,that I'm NOT getting anything done!!!!Ooopsie! I'm liking daydream world tho & I'm staying for the time being!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Dana!Yep for the time being the daydreaming stays,it's a nice thing to do,although my work level may not agree!

  4. Replies
    1. Dreaming my life away Rosemary but in a good way,sometimes it's good to have a dream!

  5. I used to sit on my swing in the backyard as a child and day dream a lot! I wanted to be a singer...and so I would swing and make up songs as I happily swang my afternoon away!

    1. Hi Linda,I too used to daydream a lot when I was a child and a swing is the ideal place to daydream I think!Perhaps I need a swing too!And then 'nothing' would get done!!!Oh well back to the dreaming :-)
