A Bit Of Nature
One of my big pushes this half term week has been to get Chipmunk
out and about in the fresh air.
Today we went to Creswell Crags and it was good.
The other boys were at school and working so it was just me,
Chipmunk and my mum and dad.
Creswell Crags is only a short drive away from where
we live and it is truly beautiful
It is a archaeological site,steeped in history
and some great walks and stunning scenery.
First thing Chipmunk did was find a stick
and this stick stayed with us all around the lake
and its in my kitchen right now.Im hoping it will
transfer to the garden tomorrow!
We walked through windy woodland paths
until we came to a cave which was high up in the crags
So we climbed up and up and up,until finally
we reached the top
And we found out that in here remains of wolves,
hyenas,woolly mammoths,even rhinos had been found.
Obviously this fascinated Chipmunk,wild animals
in caves = exciting!
We walked all around the lake,fed ducks and swans,saw horses galloping
madly round a nearby field and then turned back to journey home.
Still carrying the stick of course!
It was a fantastic day out and after we got home Chipmunk relaxed with his
beloved ipad.
He had had a great time,climbing,running,being with family,
everything I want him to do.
Happy Chipmunk and happy me
looks a beautiful place, I love getting outside with the children and there isn't much that is as exciting as a cave where animals lived!