
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Box
''Here is a box. With a lid. I wonder whatever inside is hid? Why it's some 'memories' without any doubt. Open the lid and let them come out.''

Ahh my special box of memories. 

Believe me I save a lot of memories.

 Most people round here would say I save too many memories.

But this box is special because only the very special stuff goes in here. And to earn a place in this box you have to have done something very meaningful to me. 

Let me delve into it a bit and you may see what I mean. 

It's has all my positive pregnancy tests in. The boys find this gross but to me it's probably the most special thing of all. The first signs of my boys...need I say more. 

There is a card from my mum and dad when I left home. Inside that it says 'we will miss your chirpy little voice.'
This always makes me smile,I bet it was quieter once I had left home,I think Iam the worlds biggest rattler and I do chew people's ears off on a regular basis. 

My boys first locks of golden hair are in there. Again the boys go...nooo but I love it. My little blonde baby boys...very precious to me. 

I have the tiniest scrap of paper cut out of the newspaper to announce that I had passed my NNEB. It's so tinky a slight breeze could blow it away in a instant. And goodness knows how I found it amongst all the rammel that is in this house. But I did find it and into the box it went. 

One of my favourite things is a poem a mum wrote me when her last child left nursery. I think the date on the poem was 1997. Thinking about that makes me blink!'s ages ago and I had taught all three of this ladys children by that time. Gosh that has hit me! It's a fab poem and it tells the tale of each of her girls journey through nursery. Looking at it brings back memories for me of how things were back then and how I adored that little family. At the bottom of the paper it says a thank you to me for looking after all her children and the words 'you will always be welcome in our home'
You can't say nicer than that,can you.

A Toy Policeman! This has mega sentimental value to me.... it's Eeebeat! Eeebeat was Tigers toy that went everywhere with him,when he was two years old. The story goes that Tiger loved policemen,he always dressed up as a policeman and he used to hold this policeman all the time. He named him Heartbeat after the tv show and he pronounced it Eeebeat. When I pick up Eeebeat I remember my little boy,as a two year old...very emotional.

I have a couple of cards from my grandma. My grandma died when I was 15 years old,I was very close to her and so to see her writing is very special to me.

A shiny key is in there from my mum and dad from when I was eighteen years old.

My pregnancy notes are in there. Gosh these are so special to me. Can't get anymore special than notes to tell you how your unborn baby is growing. I will always treasure these. Unfortunately my midwife took Chips notes with her and I never got them back,this does make me sad.

Inside a envelope is a newspaper clipping from when my friend J did a trek through the Himalayas to raise money for a hospital. It's dated 2003,so ten years ago! How time flies. I was pregnant with Chips at the time. I was proud of her then and reading the article I'm always proud again...she's a pretty amazing lady and I'm lucky to have her as a friend.

Wrapped up in a tissue is a rose from Tiger. He bought it me with his own money,a single red rose,talk about melt...I melted alright and the rose lives on...inside my box. 

So a very mixed box of tricks! Funny thing is that these things have evolved over time. I didn't put them in,in date order,they went in when I found them,usually as I was routing around my vast collection of sentimental tat.

It's nice to have a box for the special things in life....a true treasure box. 

Linking up to Two Shoes Tuesday 

Where the prompts were box or dark 


  1. How lovely to have a box of memories. I was not sentimental until I got no box for me. My loss.

    1. Hello Patricia,I have always been too sentimental but sometimes I get it right and I guess I'm the person to come to when you need a memory saving! I like that this box is not to big and can be carried about,just the right size for special memories x

  2. Oh what a lovely box you have indeed! I have a box for things with special memories connected, and so does Papa Bear, but neither of us started them until later in our adult years. I wish now that I'd kept one for all my life, imagine what fun things would be included in it... like a time capsule! Your love for your sons shines in this post, I loved thinking about each of the items you have stored there, I could envision you holding each one up for us to see! It is the little things that we remember and remain attached to. Thank you for a most beautiful, sentimental TST post. I liked it very much! Watch for a special announcement on Thursday about a new creative writing blog hop! :-)

    1. Evening Josie! So you and papa bear have boxes too! I wonder what's in yours! I liked the thought about my box being like a time capsule,I guess it is. When looking through it I feel like I'm stepping back in time and it's so lovely to touch objects that special people in my life have touched. It touched me to hear you say that my love for the boys shines through,they mean everything to me.
      I'm intrigued to see what the new creative blog hop will involve,I'm quite excited about it.
      It's my middle boys birthday tomorrow do I won't get around to people's TST posts until the weekend,Im going to try and catch some more memories to savour! Bye,love Jess x

  3. You reminded me of the little box I had with all my best friends' letters back in high school, plus the little notes we passed on to each other in the class while the teacher's back was on us. Inside that box is Jeff's letters to me when he was younger. This post made me want to check that box and read all the letters when I get home later ;o)

    1. Abelle that sounds like a fab box! I find some of the things that provoke the strongest memories are people's handwriting. I had a idea of a box with all different people's handwriting in it. I think especially in the age of email handwritten notes are very special. I loved the idea that you still have Jeffs letters in that box,I hope if you did get the box out that it bought back many happy memories for you x

  4. That is a very awesome many great memories and the small important things that are filled with love..excellent

    1. Thanks George,I do indeed treasure my box full of memories. The things inside are irreplaceable I guess....little incidental items that on their own probably wouldn't mean a lot but put in a treasure box with good memories attached to them they suddenly mean 'everything' to me :-)

  5. I think this is beautiful! I have something similar, a box for each of my girls, one wedding box and one birthday box. I think it's wonderful that you've kept all your special memories so safe!

    Kate x
    Just Pirouette and Carry On...

    1. Thanks Kate,I'm such a sentimental old fool,I truly am! And my memories could overwhelm our house tbh! The story behind this particular box is that a very good friend gave me the original box as a surprise present,it had a tag that always look after everyone else,here is something for you and it was full of bubbly bath stuff ( I popped that tag into the box actually) The box was beautiful,a kind of lilac colour and I thought what is special enough to keep in this beautiful box and the memory box was born!
      I like that you have boxes for Biscuit and Wiggles and a wedding one too! You can't beat boxes full of memories I say x

  6. This is a special post, Jess. Thanks for sharing. It's nice to have tangible mementos. It just makes the memory more "real", like proof.

    1. Thanks for your words Ann.They made sense to me. And I wonder if thats why I like memories so much...because they are proof of the past. As I get older Iam beginning to see that these memories can be stored in your head as well!

  7. What a lovely post about all your treasures. Very well done.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

    1. Thank you Sandee,Im really happy with everybodys lovely comments on this post.They have made a sentimental week much easier for me!

  8. I would like to put in my box, the time that I passed my driving test! I kind of used to keep all of my old things in a drawer in my room. Not on purpose, though, I just didn't want to part with them yet, so I just threw them in my drawer, until my drawer got to full and I throw them out. Very interesting things you have in your memory box! : )

  9. very sweet...I have a bag of similar stuff...some I wish I had saved and didn't though...oh this post.
