
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Six Word Saturday

I Aim To Use Time Wisely

I'm grinning not even 30 secs after writing this!

Oh yes it is my aim.

Honestly it is!

And I have every intention of adhering to it


Already I'm on lappy typing this out when all round me are jobs that need doing...

The thought is in my mind but whether or not I can stick to it is another thing altogether!

A middle road is needed!A bit of this,blogs,twitter, and a lot of real life stuff.

So the challenge is set....let's see how I do!

Pop over to Cate at Show My Face for

Six Word Saturday 


  1. Using time wisely is my aim too.... but only after I have spent time on the laptop! ;)

    1. Hee Elaine!Its the old laptop that draws me in too!But Im keeping tabs on it...kinda!

  2. Ha ha I think I will use your idea- um maybe- um perhaps um tomorrow.....

    1. Hmmm,now you sound like me!I have such good intentions but as for putting them into place....well thats a different matter altogether!I did do relatively well yesterday though and I do intend to do well today.Gotta love the word 'intend' havent you!

  3. Oh how I relate to this! I never seem to get enough done. But I try to let go of expectations and concentrate on what matters's hard sometimes not to feel guilty, but I manage way better than I probably ought to, lol.

    1. Morning Kayleigh!You also sound just like me,no matter how hard I try (and I do try hard) I never seem to get everything done,not ever!Is it never ending do you think?I think your point about concentrating on what's important is 'key' and ahem sometimes I don't do that as well as I should truth be known!Ah well *walks away whistling*

  4. I am just coming off a bloggy break trying to get some semblance of balance going - so I totally get what you are saying.

    1. Hiya Wayne!Sometimes the blog has to take a back seat I guess!Im not at the point yet ~ but perhaps I should be!I do love it though!Have a great week :-)

  5. Good luck. Balance is everything, but it is definitely challenging to attain.

    1. Oh Charleen your words are oh so true 'balance' that's what Im looking for and so badly need.Wise words indeed!

  6. I can relate! It's so hard to balance the fun stuff and the real-life stuff. Good luck to us all. :)

    Have a wonderful Saturday!

    1. Morning Dana *waves over* Its that old balance word that Charleen spoke about isnt it! 'BALANCE'we all would benefit from balance :-) Does anyone know where we can get a bottle of balance to drink from....if so let me know and I'll share it with my buds!

  7. oh hahah you remind me as I am typing that I need to get off my chair and do stuff as we are off outside for a fun day! BUT I need to do a few chores first.
    Have a great weekend!

    1. Hee,we seem to do a lot of typing these days Kathe,dont we!Well I know that I do!I love it though and Im trying to curb the pull towards it,I say 'trying' we are yet to see if I manage it!Coz them there other jobs are piling up for sure!Have a super week lv Jess x

  8. That totally made me grin....sometimes, on a Saturday morning, you just need to use that time wisely visiting friends online. :)

    1. Morning Amanda!Now I like your words!And actually that is what I have been doing...a Saturday morning catch up with online friends.Boy do I have such nice online friends!
      But I also have a family and while I dont neglect them,well not much *blinks and grins* I do find it hard to pull all the housework and work work in and thats why Im trying to be stricter with myself...its 'kinda' working :-)x

  9. Time! Time! I always wanted a 26 hour day so I could have a 2 hour nap!

    1. Yes Judy,isnt time a precious commodity!I always wondered about more hours in the day but soon realised I would still fill them and yelp about needing more!Have a sunny happy week x

  10. Oh it sounds a lot like my aim as well! Do enjoy some fun time too!

    1. Morning Karen!So how are you getting on with your time management aim then?Im not doing to badly,still could limit this lappy more but as you said we do need fun too!Hope you have a fun and productive week x

  11. Well the lads are watching football so it's definitely laptop time, soon to be followed by a glass of red. (funny how blogging creeps in to your life and then just takes over, isn't it?)
    I wholeheartedly endorse your commitment, Jess. Best of British! :)

    1. Morning Jo!When I read your comment I totally smirked because thats exactly what was happening in my house!The lads were watching football and I had a bottle of wine that a friend had brought me for my birthday and I had waited for the right moment to open it and Sat night was 'that' moment!
      Blogging has kinda whammed my life!I love it and the people I have made friends with,maybe I love it a little bit too much,insert a grin here!
      Its half term though and my aim is still to keep the blogging from intruding into my family life too much..I'm not doing to badly 'keep it up Jess she whispers to herself'
      Have a sunny bank holiday Jo x

  12. my Six: Best wishes on your vow, Jess!!!
    But plase do remember that "all work and no play do a dull boy Jack make."

    You are invited to Mrs. Jim's book club meeting, Jess. Last time cars lined up and down both sides of the street when she had it. This time, her turn again, there were only about ten to come. Needless to say we are still eating some of it.

    1. Jim I was ridiculously excited to be invited to Mrs Jims book club meeting,my boys laughed at me when I told them,I always share your stories with them.
      And Im keeping your words about 'Jack' in my head as I do believe they are true!And Im beginning to see that Iam quite a player at heart :-)
      Have a fab week and enjoy eating Mrs Jims food

  13. Time is time, he is the king and without being sexist, she is the empress too. Great story.

    1. You are so right!Im just wondering if I can tame it a little or perhaps use it more wisely!Perhaps if me and time become friends life may become easier.What do you think? :-)

  14. I certainly haven't figured out how to use time wisely, its very hard to strike a balance between pleasure and tedium

    1. I wonder if 'anyone' has figured out how to use time wisely?Perhaps you have to have a disciplined approach to life,obviously I havn't got this!And if truth be told Im not sure I will ever get one!Its the way I roll!Thanks for commenting

  15. And in the light of my SWS Im putting the lappy away and finishing the jobs that are pressing,dishes and washing pegging out and then taking my kiddiwink to the park #priorities see you all later x

  16. Amen. Time is too fleeting to waste!

    1. Morning Ann :-) yes ti me is precious isnt it and I do intend to 'try' to use it wisely this week,cross your fingers for me!Wishing you a super week lv Jess x

  17. A big smile spread across my face as I read this... I aim to do the same, but must admit that most days I fail totally! I have always believed that work comes before play, but as I get older I realize that I missed too much playtime by always working, now I probably do a little more play here than I should, but I enjoy it, and that's good too! Dust bunnies can be fed (and collected up) tomorrow! :-)

    I'm delighted that you are going to join in at Two Shoes Tuesday on my blog this week, I'll be looking forward to your post!

    1. Hi Josie! 'High five sister' thats exactly how I feel,the dust can wait!Im so behind though!And finding a voice on the lappy has not helped this cause!So Im trying to be sensible 'smirks' at the trying word!

      My post for Two Shoes Tuesday is coming on and its made me grin as I would have thought I would have naturally choose the other prompt but no I have gone for the one I first though 'nah' at.Thats exactly why I love creative writing stuff,it makes my mind play :-) I didnt even know I would like creative writing until a month ago!Funny isnt it!Lv Jess x
