
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Six Word Saturday

February Already,How Time Whizzes By!

How fast is this year going already!

I was sat talking to my mum and dad on Thursday when my dad said;

"That's one month gone"

And I had a flippy moment in my head;

One month gone
Oh no!
Only 11months left till Christmas again
And I haven't saved any money this month
And what jobs have I knocked off my giant mega change my life around to do list... not many...perhaps not even any...yet

I totally went tizzed.

Not for long tho!

After a five minute scarefest,when I did think all the above and probably more,I came back down to earth and rationalised it all out and could see that January had been tough and I had done well to survive it.

I do honestly feel that time whizzes by these days,days blend into weeks,that turn into months and end up as another year gone.
The children around me grow taller and older at a alarming rate,sometimes unbelievably so.

But I guess that's the way its always been and always will be,as the old saying goes time waits for no man

Does anyone els find time whizzes by?

The host for this linky is Cate who blogs at Show My Face 
Pop over and read what everyine else is thinking this week.


  1. Definitely! The older I get, the faster it goes.

    1. Tilly this is something we all seem to be in agreement here...the older you get the faster time goes!I just cant imagine how it will be when I get much older...scary stuff indeed!

  2. Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick etc etc etc etc etc etc

  3. I don't mind January flying by. It tends to be a cold and bleak month around here.

    1. I know what you mean Debbie,January is not one of my fave months and neither is February!

  4. Yes, it goes faster and faster the older I get.

    Have a happy weekend!

    1. Dana your comment is more or less just what I have said to Wayne!The older I get,the faster the time flies!I cant imagine how fast it will zoom in fiv years time!Scary or what!!!

  5. Replies
    1. Wayne,why does time seems to get faster the older I get!Grr!

  6. time goes by so quickly and the one thing I have learned in the past year is that no matter what the goals are that you haven't reached, or the money you haven't saved... as long as you are doing your best and are happy that is really all that matters!

    1. Oh Brenda,those are words to remember and oh so very true :-)

  7. I am anticipating a trip so time seemed to be slower than I expected however I am so glad January is behind us and we didn't get sick.

    1. Hello RNT :-)That is a very valid point!January can be yukky for viruses and nasty bugs so its great to make it through all in one piece!

  8. I have to say that on the 1st Feb, my first thought was "oh god only 11 months till Christmas" and then I remembered all the birthdays in between!!

    1. Hello Friend!Elly that was EXACTLY what I thought!Nice to know Im not the only one who thinks this way! XX

  9. Usually, time does go fast, unless I am in an MS relapse, and then that goes on forever!

    My 6ws:

    1. Hello Mlissabeth,I sympathise with you about time going slow during a MS relapse,that must be hard.I hope the relapses are few and far between xxx

  10. I hope it hurries up to spring and then that life takes a slow and easy journey through the rest of the year!

    1. Hi Karen,I like you're sentiments,fingers crossed they come true :-)
