
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Playing In Leaves

Today was a really busy day,I had been hammie cleaning and the time had ticked on until it was afternoon and we hadn't had any fresh air.

I decided we would go for a walk,I didn't know where,anywhere would do.

Chipmunk went on his scooter and we hadn't been walking for too long before we found this

a gigantic pile of leaves.

So we stopped to play and had a great time


making pathways for scooters

kick those leaves!

It turned out lovely,Chipmunk had a really good play in the leaves and then we walked up to the shops for a Saturday night treat ~ choccie!

The sky was so pretty

And we saw a tree all lit up ready for Christmas

And the little boy who didn't want to come out really enjoyed himself

Linking up at Country Kids.Pop over here to see some fab posts all about outdoor play,honestly the ideas are great!

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes children need a little encouragement to go outdoors, there is so much for them inside these days. But when they get there they invariably discover more to a walk than they thought! Thanks for linking up.
