
Saturday, January 12, 2013

Six Word Saturday

"Need To Be Organised...Any Tips...."

So it's January...the beginning of the year and I so need to be better organized this year.

Last year was a blur and life seemed to rush by with me chasing after it and never quite catching up to the extent I needed.

Everything was last minute and I got through barely,hanging on by the skin of my teeth.

It was a horrible feeling,I spent most of the year on permanent catch up or that's how it felt.

Birthdays,work deadlines,school projects,Easter and especially Christmas just seemed to swallow me up and eat me alive and I didn't like that feeling at all.

The house reflected all this too,every drawer and cupboard was,erm is stuffed full of 'stuff' all waiting to be organized.Its like a giant jango game,you touch one thing and 50 million things will come falling out.

And while all this was happening what was I doing...working hard with the kids,working incredibly hard at work where the workload I bring home probably more than tripled,getting dins ready,doing laundry which in this house,as in many I guess,is a near on full time job in itself!Not sitting still much and when I did sit down I would just fall to sleep through exhaustion.

This year I need it to be different,I really do,I don't want to feel like I'm chasing myself so hard,it's not a nice feeling.

SO and it's a heartfelt big SO how do you guys sort life out?I know we all have busy life's but some of us seem to be organized and coping.Whats the best way forward?Any helpful tips will be gratefully received

Love Jess

Linking up with Cate from Show My Face 


  1. I like your Six Words, I guess we all go through phases like that. Time for sure flies and we always have too many things to do in so little time. For me decluttering big time helped a lot to give me a better grip on things. I know we never have enough time to declutter but I started by taking 30 min every day and just declutter nonstop in that half an hour. It seems little time but it makes a huge difference after a while.

    1. Dear Cessie thank you so much for your helpful comment on my 6ws post.
      I guess I need to declutter big style! I just can't seem to let things go!I find a use for everything and as for my boys memory stuff Im terrible and can attach a must keep thought to any old tat!Perhaps 10 minutes a day would be good to start me off.I may give it a whirl :-) x

  2. Oh... and I like your two minute memory idea :)

  3. I agree with Cessie's suggestion! It's amazing how much we save that we don't need!

    1. Hi Robyn :-) I too agree with Cessie and I KNOW that things have got out of control here and that's why I need to do something about it.Put it this way it's the clutter or me and I guess when put like that I know what's gotta happen!

  4. Organize? What is this 'organize' of which you speak?

    1. Oh I SO loved this comment!!!!Exactly!When I find out what 'organize' is I'll let you know!
      Psst it's highly unlikely I will ever find out! :-)

  5. I need to do this, too. I think Cessie had a great suggestion for both of us! Good luck. :)

    1. Hello Dana,I need a great big dollop of good luck :-) lets hope it works!

  6. I have clear stacking boxes with labels on them. Everything has a place and if it doesn't belong it goes into the g-file (garbage can)

    1. Oh I so love the sound of that!my trouble is that I find a home for 'everything' and I find a use for 'everything' and that's where the trouble lies!
      I must be more focused and not so emotional about items.Thanks for your comment,it was helpful x

  7. I have a spot where I keep the bills.
    I have a huge calendar in the kitchen where I put all the appts...etc on
    I completely agree with Cessie... take at least 30 minutes a day and find a spot that needs organizing. My motto... if you haven't touched it for over a year...toss it!

    1. Afternoon Brenda :-) I'm liking but wincing about the motto if I haven't used it for a year then it goes!Now then,you just know as soon as you let it go you will need it!But how can I keep storing more and more and more?I need to be tougher! X

  8. I am in the same point as you, but trying to recover. :)

    1. So Mlissabeth we are both in recovery then :-) or trying to recover anyway.Lets see how we do! It's a battle I have to tackle before it swallows me whole! X

  9. I'm looking for some tips too! I seem to be constantly trying to catch up. I long for the day when everything is done!

    1. Oh Elaine do you ever think we will see the day when it's ALL done :-) but we could try to make it a bit better do you think?Im gonna try it,I have too!Its organization or me! I need to win this battle! X

  10. Life can run smoothly and then there are bumps. Life has been hectic for me. My suggestion is to take a deep breath, choose one project and work until it is completed and then begin the next

    1. Hello Susie :-) yes life is full of twists and turns isn't it!I just need a little bit of control with stuff as its getting too much for me to cope happily with and I don't like the feeling of stress at all!So something has to be done!Hope your life is becoming less stressful lv Jess x

  11. Some great advice, Jess. I have to be in the mood for a clearout (or have people coming and nowhere to put them!) Aly at The Thought Palette's a great organiser- bet she could get you started.

    1. Thanks for that advice Jo!I will google that name up :-)
      Yes when people are coming round I sometimes will do a sweep around and clear,the boys faces say it all tho!Last time all three of them commented on how mummy was tidying!

  12. I gave up on being organized years ago and instead I just go with the flow and enJOY doing so!

    1. Hello Ruth :-) now you sound just like me! I'm not a natural tidy person and love to go with the flow and for the most part of life I stick by that but and it's a big but lately I'm frazzling and it's panicking me admire and more things pile up and that's why I have to try and bring order back into my life! X

  13. A friend of mine solved her laundry problem by putting each person's clean clothes into a separate basket in the laundry room. Whenever anyone asked, "Where is my __?" My friend would say, "Have you checked your basket?" Good luck.

    1. Annie I loved this idea and if I had somewhere to put the baskets I would so do it!I still keep thinking of it as it sounds a fab idea!Oh for a laundry room :-) x

  14. For me it's a drawer at a time,or a room at a time, and a 'tick list' so I tick off what I've done then I feel good about it. Decluttering your stuff definitely declutters the mind- I have proved it over and over again. Let us know how you get on.

    1. Now I need to know why de cluttering your stuff declutters your mind because if this is true I SO need to do it as my mind is full to bursting! I will definitely let you know how I go on :-) x

  15. I think I do a double round - organising myself to be organised. I have one schedule for meetings + times, one for students' lessons, one for due dates of students' assignments + exams + one for home for bills! Sound ridiculous? Yes! But at least I have my checks recorded!

    1. Gemma it sounds wonderfully organized!I need you to be my best mate and come around and point me in the right direction :-)

  16. 6 years ago I got organized because we moved into a new house. I went through everything, and gave tons of stuff away. It felt good to simplify. it is 6 years later, and I am needing to go through everything again and thin things out a bit. It is amazing how much "stuff" a person can accumulate in 6 years!

    I keep telling myself that I will start in one room and just work on it until it is done...and then move on to the next! But I am slow at getting started. (I still have my Christmas tree up! So that gives you a clue that I am sloooow!) Ha!

    I hope both you and I will succeed at de-cluttering and getting organized this year!

    Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

    1. Oh Linda so do I!!!Lets make this the year that we sort a few things out :-) I'm definitely going to try...I HAVE too,it's becoming unhealthy.
      Here's to a more organized 2013 x

  17. The best way to stay organized for me is to not keep things unless I really need them. No ifs, ands, or buts.

    1. This needs to be my motto!! *No ifs,ands or buts!!!! Wise,wise words!Thank you Ann x I like these words a lot x
